Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions will be effective from January 1, 2023.

Article 1 (Purpose)

These Terms and Conditions govern the rights, obligations and responsibilities, and other necessary matters between the Company, user organizations and individuals in relation to the use of all services related to “techniflows” operated by techniflows Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”). The purpose is to regulate.

Article 2 (Definition of terms)

The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows.

  1. “Service” means all services that enable you to use the functions of the web and application through the “techniflows” web and application provided by the “Company.”
  2. “Customer” means a business operator and its member users or individual users who register as members in accordance with Article 3, Paragraph 1 and receive the “Services” provided by the “Company.”

Article 3 (Effectiveness and revision of terms and conditions)

  1. These Terms and Conditions become effective when, in order to use the “Service,” the “Customer” accesses the website or mobile app, agrees to the Terms and Conditions, then applies for membership and the Company approves it.
  2. The “Company” posts the contents of these Terms and Conditions on the initial screen of the service so that the “Customer” can easily understand them.
  3. The “Company” applies new “services,” improves and maintains security systems, implements corrective orders issued by public institutions such as the government, applies new “services” provided by the “Company,” and other important business reasons for the “Company.” If it is determined that it is necessary to change the Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions may be revised to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws and regulations.
  4. When revising these terms and conditions, the “Company” specifies the date of application of the revised terms and the reason for revision and posts them on the initial screen of the “Service” along with the current terms and conditions so that the “Customer” can recognize them in advance. Notice will be given one day in advance until the day before application.
  5. If the “Customer” does not agree to the application of the revised Terms and Conditions, he or she may withdraw from membership in the “Service” up to the day before the effective date of the revised Terms and Conditions. If “Customer” fails to take such action, he/she will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the revised terms and conditions.
  6. If the “Customer” is unable to take the membership withdrawal action set forth in the preceding paragraph due to circumstances for which the “Customer” cannot be held responsible (the circumstance of not accessing the “Service” during the notice period regarding the revised terms and conditions is not considered to be a ‘circumstances for which the Customer cannot be held responsible’); By proving such circumstances, you can withdraw your membership as soon as the ‘circumstances for which you cannot be held responsible’ have disappeared.

Article 4 (Protection of Personal Information)

The “Company” strives to protect the personal information of “Customers” in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Related laws and the “Company’s” personal information processing policy apply to the protection and use of personal information.

Article 5 (Change of customer information)

  1. “Customers” can view and modify their personal information at any time through the personal information management screen.
  2. If there is a change in the information provided when applying for membership, the “Customer” must correct it online and notify the “Company” of the change.
  3. The “Company” shall not bear any responsibility for any disadvantages arising from the “Customer’s” failure to comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Article 6 (Customer ID and password management)

  1. The “Customer” is responsible for managing the “Customer’s” ID and password (hereinafter referred to as “Means of Identification”) and must not allow third parties to use them.
  2. If the “Customer” becomes aware that the “Identification Method” has been stolen and is being used by a third party, the “Customer” must immediately notify the “Company” and follow the “Company’s” instructions.
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the “Company” shall be responsible for any disadvantages incurred by the “Customer” as a result of the “Customer” not notifying the “Company” of the theft of the “identification means” or not following the instructions of the “Company” after notification. does not bear any liability.

Article 7 (“Service” contents)

  1. The “Services” provided by the “Company” to the “Customers” are as follows. Website: A separate page online where “customers” can run and manage the “web” used by “customers” and manage business or personal profiles to which “customers” belong. “App”: “Service” provided by default according to the policy of the “Company” or purchased and used through the “Company” for free or through paid payment according to the “Customer’s” choice.

Article 8 (Use of “Service”)

“Customers” can immediately use the service for free or for a fee after registering as a member through a separate authentication method determined by the “Company.”

Article 9 (Data Storage)

  1. When using the “Service,” data is stored based on cloud infrastructure.
  2. When “customers” use paid and free “services,” data based on usage is stored in accordance with the policy.

Article 10 (Data Protection and Management)

  1. Data is data entered or created by the “Customer” using the “App” and then stored on a physical data server.
  2. “Company” protects “Customer” data and implements minimum industry standard systems and procedures to prevent unauthorized access to Customer data.
  3. Data stored in the “Company” may be transferred to the “Customer” and the user organization to which the “Customer” belongs, even if there is no separate consent of the “Customer” when a legitimate legal procedure, such as a warrant from an investigative agency or a court ruling or decision, has been initiated. We may provide or disclose your data.
  4. “Company” is not responsible for data loss due to reasons not attributable to “Company.” go. When a file is damaged or a file uploaded to the server is stored incorrectly due to termination or error of a third-party program on the “Customer’s” PC. If the file is not uploaded properly due to network connection status or network environment failure or error used during upload on the “Customer’s” PC or smartphone. In cases where the user is responsible for environmental problems such as the “customer’s” PC/network, loss or theft of ID/password, or neglect of management. If there is damage to server files due to natural disaster, national emergency, or other force majeure reasons. Other cases, including the above cases, that may be judged to be reasons for which the “Company” is not responsible.
  5. Since lost data cannot be recovered, the “Customer” must store the data separately.
  6. If the stored data is lost or damaged due to reasons attributable to the “Company” during the maintenance and operation of other normal services such as server upgrade, system inspection, data migration, etc., and the “Customer” suffers damage as a result, The “Company” will compensate for damages proven by the “Customer,” but the amount of damages shall be limited to the service fee paid by the “Customer” to the “Company” during the past 12 months.

Article 11 (Provision of “Service” Notification)

The “Company” provides notifications through services such as email to ensure smooth “Service” provision for “Customers.”

Article 12 (“Service” withdrawal or suspension)

  1. When the “Customer” wishes to cancel the “Service,” the “Customer” may withdraw through the “Service” withdrawal function.
  2. In the case of paid services, when the “Customer” wishes to cancel the “Service”, he or she will notify the “Company” through the inquiry process and the “Company” will proceed with the cancellation process.
  3. Whether or not the withdrawal application is processed can be determined by the “customer” attempting to log in using the “identification method” and confirming that the log in is not possible.
  4. If the “Customer” cancels the “Service,” all data of the “Customer” will be deleted upon termination, except in cases where the “Company” retains member information in accordance with relevant laws and personal information processing policies. However, the contact information registered by the “Customer” in the “Service” is a management service at the “Business” level, and even if the “Customer” terminates the “Service”, it is managed as information of the “Business” to which the “Customer” belongs and is not destroyed. .
  5. If the “Customer” violates the obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions, the “Company” may request correction or improvement through writing, email, phone, or other methods. If there is no corrective or improvement action from the party at fault, the “Company” may request correction or improvement in writing, email, or phone. , may stop providing the “Service” after notifying you through other methods.
  6. The “Company” may stop providing the “Service” without prior notice if any of the following situations occurs to the “Customer”: go. When procedures such as payment refusal, dissolution, company reorganization, bankruptcy, etc. are initiated by a financial institution or similar situations occur. When major assets or business are transferred to a third party. Cases that have caused or are reasonably expected to cause significant disruption to the operation of the “Service” due to serious violations of laws or social controversy. When it is recognized that procedures such as provisional seizure, injunction, seizure, or public auction commencement have entered or are likely to enter into procedures. If the application is confirmed to have been made using someone else’s name or with false information. If the “Company” determines that it interferes with other normal “Service” operations

Article 13 (“Service” provision and change)

  1. In principle, “Service” is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  2. The “Company” may temporarily suspend the provision of the “Service” in the event of maintenance and inspection of information and communication equipment such as computers, replacement due to wear and tear, disruption of the communication network, or other significant operational reasons. However, in principle, the “Company” provides prior notice or notification to the “Customer”, and may provide post-notification in unavoidable cases.
  3. The “Company” may change part or all of the “Service” according to the “Company’s” policies and operational and technical needs. However, if there is a change in part or all of the “Service”, such as the content of the “Service”, method of use, usage time, etc., the reason for the change, the content of the “Service” to be changed, and the date of provision are provided on the “Service” screen 7 days in advance. It must be posted on .

Article 14 (“Service” fees and payments)

  1. When a “Customer” purchases and uses a paid service under “Service”, the “Company” may charge the total fee for each paid service on a monthly or annual basis, etc. according to the pricing policy of each version.
  2. “Customer” must pay the fee on a set date according to the pricing policy of the paid service being used in the “Service”.
  3. “Customer” has an obligation to pay any unpaid amount, and if non-payment continues for more than 30 days, service may be restricted. Waiver or cancellation of unpaid amounts is not possible, and the “customer” is also responsible for paying taxes on the payment of usage fees.
  4. The billing and payment methods provided by the “Service” follow the policies of the “Company.”

Article 15 (Obligations of the Company)

  1. Unless there are special circumstances, the “Company” does its best to continuously and stably provide the “Services” provided by the “Company.”
  2. The “Company” maintains the facilities provided by the “Service” in an operable condition at all times, and does its best to repair and restore the facilities if they fail or are lost.
  3. The “Company” must promptly process opinions or complaints raised by the “Customer” if they are deemed legitimate. However, if prompt processing is difficult, the “Customer” will be notified of the reason and processing schedule by email, writing, or phone.

Article 16 (Customer Obligations)

  1. “Customers” must comply with these Terms and Conditions and related laws and must not engage in any other actions that may interfere with the Company’s business performance.
  2. “Customer” must comply with any notices notified by “Company” in relation to “Services” used other than these Terms and Conditions.
  3. “Customers” must not engage in any of the following acts. go. Registration of false information when applying, registering or changing. Stealing other people’s information. Infringement on the intellectual property rights of the “Company” or a third party. D. Defamation and obstruction of business of the “Company” or a third party. Disclosure or posting of obscene symbols, texts, sounds, images, videos, or other information that is against public order and morals. Use of the “Service” for commercial purposes without the consent of the “Company.” Other illegal and unfair actions

Article 17 (Compensation for damages, etc.)

  1. “Company” or “Customer” may claim compensation from the responsible party if damage occurs to the other party due to either party’s violation of the obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions. (It is necessary to limit the company’s liability to a certain limit unless it is due to the company’s intention or gross negligence.)
  2. If a dispute arises between a third party and a third party due to a violation of the obligations stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, one party must indemnify the other party at its own responsibilities and costs and compensate the other party for all resulting damages.

Article 18 (Disclaimer)

  1. The “Company” is subject to force majeure, such as inoperability of the service system due to national emergencies such as wartime or incidents, natural disasters, service interruption by key telecommunications carriers, interruption of power supply from KEPCO, hacker invasion, computer viruses, or other similar circumstances. If the “Service” cannot be provided due to this, the “Company” shall not bear any liability in relation to the use of the “Service” provided.
  2. The “Company” shall not bear any responsibility for any damages arising from the “Customer’s” fault.
  3. The “Company” has no obligation to intervene in disputes that arise between “Customers” or between “Customers” and affiliates or third parties through the “Service” and is not responsible for compensating for any resulting damages.

Article 19 (Intellectual property rights, etc.)

  1. Through these Terms and Conditions, the “Company” grants the “Customer” only the right to use the “Service”, and the ownership and intellectual property rights regarding the “Service” created and provided by the “Company” belong to the “Company.” However, among the “Services,” the ownership and intellectual property rights for the “Services” provided by the Affiliate through partnership with the “Company” belong to the Affiliate.
  2. “Customers” must not use, or allow third parties to use, the “Services” provided by the “Company” for commercial purposes by copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting, or in any other way without the prior consent of the “Company.”
  3. The rights and responsibilities regarding posts and materials posted by the “Customer” on the “Service” belong to the “Customer” who posted them. The “Company” has the right to publish posts and materials posted by the “Customer” within the “Service” and will not use them for commercial purposes without the consent of the “Customer” who posted them.
  4. The “Company” has the right to edit or delete posts containing content that violates the obligations of Article 16.

Article 20 (Dispute resolution and competent court)

  1. “Company” and “Customer” must make all necessary efforts to amicably resolve disputes arising in connection with the “Service.”
  2. If a dispute arising from the use of the “Service” is not resolved amicably, the court with jurisdiction over the head office of the “Company” shall have jurisdiction over the related lawsuit.

Article 21 (Other)

In case of matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions or if there is a difference of opinion regarding the interpretation of the contents, general commercial practices will be followed.